WeAreLATech Los Angeles Startups Podcast, hosted by Espree Devora

Jeff Martin of Collective Genius: WeAreLATech Startup Spotlight

Episode Summary

Today we are spotlighting Jeff Martin, Founder and CEO of Collective Genius. Jeff talks about the company and other important resources in LA. Connect with us at wearelatech.com/podcast and on all social @WeAreLATech and @EspreeDevora. If you’d like to start a podcast for your company check out GetPodcastListeners.com. https://twitter.com/espreedevora https://www.instagram.com/espreedevora/ https://twitter.com/wearelatech https://www.instagram.com/wearelatech/

Episode Notes

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Welcome to WeAreLATech's Los Angeles Tech Community Spotlight!   

“Jeff Martin of Collective Genius”

WeAreLATech Podcast is a WeAreTech.fm production.

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Espree Devora




Jeff Martin



Listener Spotlight,

Joseph Holguin 


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Short Title: Jeff Martin